Hello all. I’m a retired hardware and software engineer, now in a career as a chef. Originally from California, I’ve lived in many places and overseas. My interests include writing, economics, politics, history, astronomy, solar dynamics, photography, fountain pens, languages, ham radio. I play keyboards (pipe organ, piano). Been doing web design since 1996.
My Stuff
Besides these blogs, my primary web site is: https://mayaparaiso.com
Photos on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/shuttersparks/
My personal blog is here: https://shuttersparks.net
You can find me on Mastodon here: https://qoto.org/@shuttersparks
My YouTube Channel is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/udoober
My ham radio blog is here: https://kw2p.shuttersparks.net
I occasionally hang out on Fountain Pen Network as CaptNemo: http://www.fountainpennetwork.com
Maya Paradise Photo Group on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/groups/mayaparadise/
I’ve been designing electronics since childhood and writing software since 1968. I’ve created many designs and systems in many fields. Some of my fields of expertise are:
Software expertise ranging from tiny 4-bit embedded microprocessor systems to mainframe and real-time operating systems.
Analog and digital hardware design.
Ultra-high security access control systems.
Seismology and seismic imaging.
Image processing.
Digital signal processing.
Graphics programming.
Real-time process control, servo systems.
Analog and digital sound/music synthesis.
Game design.
Photogrammetry, cartography.
I hold patents in the fields of networking, seismic/medical imaging, and others.
“And that’s all there is to say about that.”
–Forrest Gump
Updated August 2, 2023
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