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Category: Crime (Page 4 of 5)

Documents say contractor shipped home cash in box

Guillermo Contreras

The FedEx packages shipped to San Antonio contained typical souvenirs
from Iraq: jewelry, kites and T-shirts.

They also held at least $150,000 in cash, all undeclared, according to
court documents unsealed this week.

The sender, David Ricardo Ramirez, illegally took the money from the
billions of dollars that American taxpayers have poured into Iraq
since the U.S. invasion in 2003, the records show.


KBR (Kellogg Brown & Root) Scandal

It has come to light that KBR (formerly Kellogg Brown & Root) avoided paying hundreds of millions of dollars in Medicare and Social Security taxes by setting up shell companies in the Cayman Islands. KBR is the nation’s top Iraq war contractor and until last year was a subsidiary of Dick Cheney’s old company, Halliburton. The plot of greed and corruption gets thicker and thicker with this administration doesn’t it? I wonder if the feds will bother to prosecute KBR or maybe the right officials and judges can be bought off to just just sweep it under the rug, along with everything else.

You can read more about it here in this Boston Globe article:

Top Iraq Contractor Skirts US Taxes Offshore

Tele-Snooping Workers


As always, the human element will foul up the best laid plans for implementing security. Quite a large percentage of people will bend rules for personal reasons because it’s “important” (to them). They will also bend rules for money. Ever wonder how private investigators and data aggregators can get their hands on personal information so easily? Of course it’s illegal but that doesn’t stop anyone.

Rich Whites Cheat Their Way Into College

Not all, of course, but a study of Ivy League colleges and universities shows that around 15 percent of the white kids in attendance did not meet the academic entrance requirements. Instead they were admitted because their parents made large contributions to the school or had a lot of pull with the alumni association. Is this a form of affirmative action for dumb rich white kids?

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