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Tag: election

My Vote Counts More Than Yours

In presidential elections, not all votes are equal. Wait. What? But, this is a democracy — one person, one vote, right? No.

Two hundred thirty-five years ago, the founders designed a presidential voting system that gave rural farmers and ranchers in states with low population more voting power than people in urban areas. Among other things, the Electoral College was designed to try to avoid a tyranny of densely populated urban areas over other, less populous, areas of the country. It also helped with the logistical problems when horseback was the fastest form of communication. The system worked okay through the 1800s and into the 1900s. But, the founders never imagined an organized, scientific effort to take advantage of the voting power imbalance in order to seize power as happened in 2016.

So, what exactly are the numbers? The power of a voter in Wyoming is almost four times that of a person living in Texas. Whether this is fair and appropriate is for you to decide. See below for how much your vote counts.

Presidential Voting Power in Each State

The Gandhi Model will not work in Iran

The Gandhi Model of peaceful, non-violent resistance worked in India and it worked for the civil rights movement in the United States. Unfortunately, I don’t think it will not work in Iran. The Gandhi Model only works if the ruling government is made up of people who have some basis in morality and who place at least some value on human life. But dealing with the rulers of Iran and the Basij is like dealing with a crocodile or great white shark. Passive resistance is useless.

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